Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cookie Fun

 Today we frosted cookies to put in a package to send to Uncle Kaleb.  The boys helped, but after looking at their pictures, I'm guessing you can see why I opted to only send the ones I frosted to Kaleb (especially the yellow ones).

First it started with Oliver frosting

Then Parker joined and Oliver took his first (of many) taste tests of the frosting

Parker was very proud of his dot of orange frosting

A little concentration on these cookies

Guess what Parker is about to do?

Straight from the tube- cookies are optional in this house.  He said "I eat lellow!"

Oliver's special cookie
One thing I learned from today, frost cookies after lunch, not right before.  The boys weren't very hungry at lunch today for some reason...

And for good measure, a picture of Julia
Pigtails are adorable but the aftermath leaves a crazy-haired little girl