Friday, August 28, 2009

9 Months Old

I swear I am not torturing this child! He officially has a tooth- it has broke through. The picture isn't the greatest, but I was able to see the tooth. He really didn't seem to act any different during teething so we have no complaints about that so far.

Oliver was playing quietly in his room while I was working on a few things. I went in to check on him and he was playing with his puzzle in his closet.

The official 9 month pictures with his seahorse. It is getting harder and harder to get these pictures to turn out, he just wants the paper. Oh well, we'll keep getting them for a few months :)

We also took him in to get his 9 month professional pictures taken. He did really well with those- we got lots of good smiles. He was on the move for some of the pictures, but we got some good pictures.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oliver spends most of his outside time sitting in the fire truck driving. He also plays on the slide a lot too.

Oliver got a cubs tshirt from his cousin Amy this weekend- so we had to do a few pictures with a bat and came to realize we do not own a baseball.

Oliver in the bathtub again- he is so happy in the water!

Oliver in his exersaucer

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our Weekend

Dan, Gage, and 2 of his friends driving the John Deere in the parade.

Oliver shifting in Danielle's car.

Oliver and Danielle talking to each other.

A whole bunch of Oliver with the Oliver pictures :) He is wearing his new t-shirt that has 2 Olivers on it- a full-size one and a pedal one and it says "OLIVER - Just like Grandpa's"

We went back to Iowa for the weekend. It was Antique Acres so we spent most of Saturday outside with tractors. Oliver was a big fan- he even got his hair cut on the Oliver tractor (steering wheels help with haircuts). The weather was perfect. There was also a parade that we watched. Oliver got to ride on a golf cart and a big steam engine. He also got to spent lots of time playing. His cousin Danielle shared her car with him and he pretty much loved it.

On Sunday, Eric got up to feed Oliver his breakfast and he appears to be getting a tooth. One of his bottom middle teeth is showing under his gums, it hasn't quite cut through yet, but I'm sure it will soon. It also looks like his top teeth could come pretty quickly too.
Later in the day, Oliver and I went to a bridal shower for Renee at my sister Coco's house. That was a fun time too. We left for home around 4:30 and made it back a few minutes before 9. Oliver played a few minutes after we got home to stretch out after riding for so long and then ate and went to bed for the night. He slept very well.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bath Time

Oliver loves bath time. It was a quick bath tonight, but usually he spends a lot of the time on his tummy splashing around.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Speed Demon

Here is a little video of Oliver crawling. He is getting pretty quick. He crawls all over the place, but when I pulled the camera out, he decided it was time for a break- so we used Eric's cell phone to bribe him a bit.
Oliver is almost 9 months old and is outgrowing a lot of his 6-9 month pajamas so this past weekend, we picked up a few pairs of 9-12 month pajamas for him. Here he is hanging out in his new pajamas- it is hard to believe he is big enough for them- not too long ago his newborn pajamas were big on him.

Oliver showed us that he really can hold his bottle by himself.

These two pictures are backwards, but the top shows him crawling out of his tunnel and the bottom shows him crawling into his tunnel. He loves it when we look through the mesh while he is inside of the tunnel- he cracks up laughing.

Oliver showing off his standing skills again and playing with a bead chaser. (Notice the tipped over chair- someday he will learn that they are not strong enough to hold him up, but today was not that day)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Working on standing up using the couch.
Oliver reading one of his books- he seems to like them quite a bit.

Eric and Oliver playing in the dining room. Oliver pretty much has no fear and enjoys being upside down.

Myself and Amy at Renee's bachelorette party- I was a doctor and Amy was the pork queen and I believe ran a slaughterhouse :)

Renee's bachelorette party- we went to a murder mystery dinner.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Long Time No Blog

This morning I was greeted for the first time by a standing little boy. Good thing we had already lowered the crib mattress.

Oliver pulled himself up on his carseat. If you look close, you can see the new shoes he got this weekend. He hasn't minded wearing them at all and crawls and pulls up just fine with them on.

I caught Oliver in the act! Sometimes when he wakes up, he pulls the handle on his puppy dog to listen to the music. It makes me smile when I hear that coming from his room (especially because that usually means he is in a really good mood!)

Oliver's first grass stain. Bringing a blanket outside for him to play on is kindof silly now- he just crawls off of it and moves around in the grass. This was before he perfected a typical crawl and he would do a seal-type crawl.

Sideways picture- but here he is crawling through part of the Children's museum in Indianapolis. He loved being able to get down and crawl after being in a carseat or stroller for so much of the day.

Here you can see Oliver doing a little bit of crawling and pulling himself up to the couch. This is what he does ALL THE TIME. He doesn't stay still for very long anymore and likes to be on the move. He pulls up on pretty much anything that will hold his weight and tries to pull up on everything else. I'm guessing he is getting close to 19 pounds - he was almost 18.5 pounds at the end of July. He loves to play with toys- some of his favorites are his tools, a little radio, cars, stacking cups, and blocks. He is still toothless- which is okay by me. We are needing to switch out his clothes, the buttons on his 6-9 month rompers seem to pop open pretty regularly. Here are a few pictures of our little man too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vacation to New York (Monday)

Monday was a fishing trip day, with the "big" catch being in the picture above. Monday was also our family's day to cook dinner. We had burgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob. They turned out very well.

Vacation to New York (Sunday)

Hanging out where we ate supper every night. We had 4 picnic tables for people to sit and eat and 3 tables to hold of the food we were eating.

Christopher got cheesecake for his birthday. Lighting the candles was a bit difficult in the wind.

Myself, Eric, and Oliver outside at dinner.

Sophia playing in our cabin.

Henry & Oliver sitting together on the couch (and both of them somewhat looking)

On Sunday, we went to church and did a little more settling into our cabin. Then we hung out between all of the cabins and enjoyed the day.

We really enjoyed our time in New York for our big family vacation this summer. We went on boat rides, sat around camp fires, play games, and many other things. We left home Friday (July 17) in the morning and made it to Kathy & Dale's house in Syracuse around 1:30 am (Saturday). Then we got up and hung out for a bit. We left for Black Lake around 12:30 and arrived there around 2:30. I'm going to do a post for most days so the pictures will be a bit better sorted.