Saturday, January 7, 2012

Steffen Christmas

Parker's 1 year picture- taken at 9:05 AM on December 26, 2011.

Here is a picture of my mom (Grandma and Great-Grandma to the crew of kids in the picture).  All of the kids are 3 and under- 8 boys and 1 girl.  From left to right- Braydon (Jacob's son), Oliver (mine), Marshall (Jessica's son), my mom, George (Joe's son), Danielle (Jessica's daughter), Timothy (Randy's son), Henry (Randy's son).  In front- Parker (mine) and Ethan (Jill's son).  They are quite a crew and hard to get a picture of all them being happy and looking. 

We do family pictures at Christmas and here is ours.  After the pictures, we read the Christmas story- Randy read it this year.  Then we pass out and open presents.  It was a very fun day with lots of visiting and snacking.  We played some cards later in the evening. 

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