Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Weekend in New York

Amy & I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and they had foam maces and of course the kids needed to have them. So they spent quite a bit of time outside swinging them at each other and running around. I think maybe 2 of them didn't end up breaking.
Sophie, Oliver, and Henry sitting on the steps outside at Kathy's house. They had a lot of fun playing outside together.

Oliver is with Amy and he is showing off his tattoo. It was Obi-Wan. He still has it and gets pretty excited about it. He went to the pool later that afternoon and Eric said hew as very proud of his tattoo while they were swimming.

Timothy being baptized on Sunday!

Randy & Kara's whole family- Randy, Kara, Alex, Max, Sophie, Henry, and Timothy!

We went to New York last weekend to meet Timothy and celebrate his baptism. We left our house around 5:00 Thursday afternoon and got to Randy & Kara's a little after 7:30 Friday morning. We spent pretty much all of our time relaxing and visiting. Timothy is an adorable and very calm little boy with lots of loving siblings. Randy & Kara and Kathy & Dale made lots of yummy food for us to eat while we were there. My mom was already out there so we were able to see her too. Kara's grandparents were out also. Dale and Madison got there not too long after we did Friday morning and Coco, Chris, Amy, & Kelli got there Saturday morning. It was a fun weekend to visit with lots of family. After the baptism Sunday, we hung out at Randy & Kara's and had a brunch. We stayed all day Sunday (and stayed up with Randy, Kara, & Kathy talking until about 1:30 in the morning) and we went home Monday morning. We left Randy & Kara's about 10:00 Monday morning and got home about 11:00 that night. It was a very fun weekend!

1 comment:

Kara said...

We were so glad you could be out here, too! Great pics!