Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Return to Life

We are still alive in the Shook household, although some nights I wonder how we survived the day.  Life has been crazy, but I think we are coming down from the peak of the craziness.  Since I posted last, we have moved from Illinois to Ohio, gone on vacation to Kentucky, gone to New York (Sara, Oliver, Parker, & Julia), gone to San Diego (Eric), began adjusting to life in a new state, started his new job at Kent State, and lots of other things in between. 
I'll try to give some updates on everything in the next few weeks, but I'll start with one on the kids.

Oliver (4 years, 8 months)
He is always busy with something.  He loves to do art projects.  His favorite thing is to play on electronics- iPad, Kindle, etc.  He is always full of questions- tonight he asked us why everyone has to die- when we tried to explain the earth getting full, he said new babies will just grow into big people and then other new babies will replace them.  His logical progression doesn't always follow ours, but I think that is pretty typical for a 4-year old.  He has started trying new foods (with bribes of new apps), but he has recently tried broccoli, tortillas, carrots, and pizza.  This feels like a huge step for him and we are excited and hoping eventually he will like one of the new foods he tries and not gag...  He is still a good big brother and helps out a lot around the house.  He is very excited for Eric's office to get finished up so that he can go spend some time on campus with Eric.
Here is a picture with a freezie on vacation in Kentucky.  His swimsuit got a lot of wear that week. 
Parker (2 years, 7 months)
Parker is a boy who is full of energy.  He goes 100% all the time, no matter what he is doing.  Recently, he has really started playing with Julia a lot- the two of the play really well together.  Parker loves driving trucks, playing dinosaurs, building towers, and playing trains.   I am hoping we are in the beginning stages of potty training- we have had 1 success on the toilet and he is no longer screaming when I sit him on the toilet to try.  He loves to play outside.  He is also my little cuddly boy.  His smile lights up a room and he has quite the laugh.  Parker loves food- around 5:00 every night he tells me- "I so hungry mommy."  As soon as he hears a plate hit the table, he is on is way out.  Waiting to eat until after we pray is a form of torture for him.  :)  He likes to play with Oliver and do whatever he is doing- pretty typical little brother behavior.  He is also excited to get to spend some time on campus, although he goes back and forth between saying he's going to campus and he's going camping.
Parker getting a drink (in between freezies I'm sure)
Julia (10 months)
This baby girl is growing up so fast.  She is crawling everywhere and pulling up to things and cruising around like a rockstar.  I think as soon as she lets herself try, she'll be standing on her own.  She has decided she is pretty much done with baby food and definitely prefers real food.  We haven't really found a food she doesn't like yet.  Cheese is definitely a favorite and wins out over fruits.  She has her sippy cup all figured out and likes to drink water from it.  She takes 3 bottles a day and usually holds it herself for part of the time.  She is a smiley girl.  We took her to her new geneticist yesterday and she had bloodwork done (poor baby did not like the finger prick- she always did well with blood draws so maybe next time I'll ask if they can do that instead).  She loves keeping up with her big brothers.  She plays at the water table alongside them.  She still has crazy hair- we do pig tails or a pony tail every day- she likes to put food in the back of her hair- luckily she likes baths too.  Just tonight, we switched her from her infant carrier car seat to a convertible car seat.  First drive out and she took a nap.  She was 22.1 pounds and 29 inches long at her appointment yesterday. 

Julia loved the pool on vacation :) 
So there is an update on the kids- I hope to do a few more updates in the coming week or so.

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