Thursday, January 17, 2013

Julia is 4 months old!

Julia's 4 month birthday was yesterday.  She is growing so quickly.  She had her 4 month appointment today and weighed in at 15 lbs, 13 oz and 25.25 inches long.  She did well at her appointment, but cried for her shots.  She calmed down quickly- Oliver was sad that she had to get shots and he helped to cheer her up afterward.  The poor baby is running a bit of a fever after her shots today, but doesn't seem to be in poor spirits.  Here is what our little girl is up to:
-rolled over from tummy to back on January 15
-smiles and talks to us all the time
-loves (or at least tolerates) her big brothers' attention
-likes to cuddle
-is taking a bottle more often to prep for her upcoming surgery
-shows interest in toys, especially a crunchy caterpillar
-likes to be sung to
-still wakes up 1-2 times a night, but just eats and then goes back to sleep
-has outgrown a few 3-6 month outfits, but is still mostly in 3-6 months
-has had her hair in a ponytail- she gets lots of compliments on all of her hair

She is just a very happy little girl and we are pretty lucky she is ours.  She wakes up in the morning with the biggest smiles ever- which is a great start to every day.  We love you Julia Marie!!

1 comment:

Kara said...

You put her in the dress we gave her, :). She looks adorable. 4mo. already!