Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catch Up (As usual)

Parker finally lost his umbilical cord stump last Monday (at 6 weeks, 1 day) so the next day, he got a real bath. He liked the water and didn't cry at all for his bath.

Eric & Oliver

Oliver did some painting for Valentine's Day. He would paint a little and then say "do other side" and quickly flip the paper over. I worked on explaining that when painting, we don't do the other side. By the 4th sheet of paper, he seemed to be getting it.

Oliver building legos one cold February day.

Parker is doing more smiling so I tried to get a few pictures of it. It is rather hard to catch a smile on camera it seems from my pictures :) So after the pictures, there is a video that shows some smiles (ignore my voice please:))

This weekend was wonderful- it warmed up and was in the 40s! By the end of the week, it is supposed to be in the 60s! A lot of snow already melted after this weekend and I'm sure more will this week. I'm looking forward to the sidewalks being clear enough to push a stroller for a walk.
Both boys keep doing well. Oliver is very excited about Valentine's Day this year- we are going to a friend's house to decorate cookies and exchange valentines. He got Cars valentines this year. Parker keeps getting bigger and bigger. I think we will be pulling out some 3-6 month stuff in the next few weeks. He continues to be a pretty easy baby- he is starting to have more awake time during the day, but is typically pretty content. I think he is getting used to Oliver jumping around him. The two of them do pretty good together- one day last week, I looked in the living room where they both were and saw Oliver taking Parker's hand and using it to push a button on a toy to make music. It was pretty adorable.
Have a great week!


Kathy said...

Wow - he has changed a lot! Happy Valentines Day to all of you!!!

Kara said...

Very cute,made us smile over here.