Friday, April 30, 2010

Healthy Boy

Oliver woke up this morning with a temperature of 97.6! He has been feeling quite a bit better today- he still doesn't have much of an appetite, but is taking in plenty of liquids. We went back in for our follow-up appointment today and the doctor said he looked good. One of his ears still had a little fluid, but the blood cultures didn't show any bacteria. The did give him one more antibiotic injection to continue to fight off what he had. Oliver definitely knew what was going on when the nurse came in to administer the shot. He cried just a little, but was fine pretty much as soon as she was done. We came home and spent a little time outside which was nice for all of us- we even got a few weeds pulled. We plan to take it easy this weekend and let him get back up to 100%. I'll try to get a few pictures tomorrow, I haven't been very good at pulling the camera out lately. Eric and I are very glad that Oliver seems to be back to his normal, happy self. Now if he actually sleeps all night long, we'll both be ecstatic!

Happy Friday Everyone!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Did he sleep for you this weekend?