Monday, August 17, 2009

Long Time No Blog

This morning I was greeted for the first time by a standing little boy. Good thing we had already lowered the crib mattress.

Oliver pulled himself up on his carseat. If you look close, you can see the new shoes he got this weekend. He hasn't minded wearing them at all and crawls and pulls up just fine with them on.

I caught Oliver in the act! Sometimes when he wakes up, he pulls the handle on his puppy dog to listen to the music. It makes me smile when I hear that coming from his room (especially because that usually means he is in a really good mood!)

Oliver's first grass stain. Bringing a blanket outside for him to play on is kindof silly now- he just crawls off of it and moves around in the grass. This was before he perfected a typical crawl and he would do a seal-type crawl.

Sideways picture- but here he is crawling through part of the Children's museum in Indianapolis. He loved being able to get down and crawl after being in a carseat or stroller for so much of the day.

Here you can see Oliver doing a little bit of crawling and pulling himself up to the couch. This is what he does ALL THE TIME. He doesn't stay still for very long anymore and likes to be on the move. He pulls up on pretty much anything that will hold his weight and tries to pull up on everything else. I'm guessing he is getting close to 19 pounds - he was almost 18.5 pounds at the end of July. He loves to play with toys- some of his favorites are his tools, a little radio, cars, stacking cups, and blocks. He is still toothless- which is okay by me. We are needing to switch out his clothes, the buttons on his 6-9 month rompers seem to pop open pretty regularly. Here are a few pictures of our little man too!

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