Friday, March 8, 2013

Home Improvements

So I am counting this as my Thursday post even though technically it is Friday, but I haven't gone to bed yet.  I started working on our entry way flooring today after I put Parker down for his nap.  By 12:30 tonight, I had the whole thing finished.  It was linoleum before with a curved (and broken) brass-ish piece holding the carpet down.  Now it is the same flooring as is in our dining room and kitchen.  I am really happy with how it turned out.  I'm trying to get as many house things finished up as I can before our realtor comes to take a look at our place on Tuesday.  Funny how we've lived here 5 years and been planning all of these things and starting lots of them and now that we are moving (and selling) we are actually doing all of them.  We will get to enjoy them for a few months at least.  :)


Kathy said...

Looks great!

Coco said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see more & bathroom :)