So all that fuss at the beginning of her life where she wasn't so into eating... not so much the case now. We gave her oatmeal last night for the first time and she loved it- so much so that I went and made her a second bowl. I couldn't get it into her mouth fast enough and she knew just what to do with it. Eric and I were both pretty surprised at how well she did with it. And I'm sure it is probably just coincidence, but she slept in her bed from 8:30-12:00, got up and ate, and then slept until 6:30. Pretty amazing feat around here.
Here is a link for a video of her eating:
For some reason, the color is way off, but you get the idea I'm sure :)
That first picture almost looks like Samantha as a baby with those big eyes. What do you think, Kathy?
I hadn't noticed at first -but yah, it kind of does. Both so very cute you know. :-)
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