I gave Oliver a haircut tonight. His hair has been seeming to grow an inch every day. He did amazing well- I just used a electric clipper to do it. He sat on Eric's lap and didn't fuss at all.

Here is the after shot- still smiling!

He got a mohawk in the bathtub. We've tried a few times, but his hair has always been too long to get it to stay very long.

After a haircut and a bath, we got his pajamas on him and he went to run in circles- one of his new favorite things to do.
Have a good night!
He's like a whole new boy!! I love the mohawk :)
I love the hair! Too stinkin' cute!
Now he's truly a clone of his Dad! Good job, Sara! Can't wait to see you all at Easter.
Good job Oliver - not fussing during a hair cut! It looks great Sara. See you soon! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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