After getting cleaned up from painting, Oliver played with the kitchen stuff. He likes to get all of the food out. The ice cream cones seem to be his favorite- can you blame him?
Eric left for school for the day and Oliver watches him walk down the street to the bus stop. Oliver does a lot of waving and blowing kisses to Eric. If Eric isn't home and I tell Oliver to go look for Daddy, he runs to the window and starts looking for him.
After lunch, we were settling down for nap time. Oliver was reading his farm book in his chair. He was pretty excited to rock the chair. In his farm book, he has started to point out the cow when asked with some regularity. He also sometimes says what sounds like "moo" when he points to the cow.
Here is Oliver after his nap. He woke up happy :)
Oliver was doing some posing for the camera and in the next two pictures, he is blowing everyone a kiss :)
We are very ready for some spring weather so that we don't have to bundle so much to go for walks. It was a little bit warmer today than it was yesterday.
Oliver and Eric before bath time.
Oliver playing in the bathtub. He continues to love his baths. He likes to put toys into the basket. He is starting to figure out the squirter toys and he LOVES to splash.
Finally, here he is sleeping for the night. He hasn't quite figured out that it is warmer to sleep under the blanket.
Have a good night everyone! Tomorrow is Oliver's 15 month appointment so I will post his updates tomorrow night.
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