Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Day

The kids were excited for Christmas morning.  We told them they couldn't come up until 6:00. They were very ready by that time.

The calm before the storm

The kids rushed in to see their loot

Ready to take a look

Oliver got Skylanders!!!!!

Parker got trains!!

Julia snuggled Grandma!!

Taking a closer look

Julia checking out her pile

She got a tea set and bracelets

Chugging some trains


Santa brought 9 swords!!  Next year I think the adults might ask for them :)

Captivated by the glow of skylanders

Trains again!

Painting his new train book

Feeding her new baby with Grandma

After Christmas morning, we went to Eric's Shook grandparents to celebrate and then to Eric's parents' house to celebrate with the DeLong side. 
Julia with her cousin Grace (Eric's cousin, Sarah's little girl)

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