She is a bit of a moving target now. Julia is growing so fast- I can't believe she'll be one year old in just under a month now. She is doing lots of fun things now.
At 11 months, here is what Julia is up to:
-Typically sleeps through the night (around 7:30pm-7:00am)
-Loves all foods she has tried, especially mac and cheese
-Takes 3 bottles a day
-Drinks from a sippy cup too
-Loves to play with her big brothers- even in their wrestling matches
-Crawls everywhere and gets places quickly
-Pulls up to anything and can climb onto the kids' chairs
-Takes 2 naps a day- usually around 10am and 1:30pm
-Likes to play with toys- everything from rattles to trains to Batman
-Loves playing outside- she likes to splash in the water table
-Still likes to snuggle
-Makes a lot of noise, but no real words yet
-No teeth yet- I could feel her bottom two a few days ago, but they seem to have gone back down
-Likes to pull all of the toys and all of the books off the shelves
-Starting to switch to 18 month clothes
-Still has crazy hair- we do 1 or 2 pony tails every day
She continues to be lots of fun. She ran a fever early this week, but seems to be over it and healthy again. Her AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) levels from her most recent blood work came back at 24 which we were happy with. She had an ultrasound yesterday and the results looked good- all news we are happy with. We need to get in contact with a pediatric dentist and a speech pathologist before long, but hopefully she'll begin seeing both of those in October, both as follow-up care from her tongue reduction.
There is the news on our baby girl- she'll be one for her next update!!
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