Sunday, June 16, 2013

Julia is 9 months old!!

Julia turned 9 months old today.  She is moving like crazy, as you can see from the pictures above.  We missed a few months of pictures (well I have them taken, but not posted). 
She is up to lots of new things:
-crawling all over
-putting all things in her mouth
-eating lots of baby food (5 jars a day!)
-doing really well taking bottles, but doesn't like to hold them herself
-likes to pick on Parker
-loves stroller rides
-does really well sleeping- usually goes from about 8:00-7:30 (sometimes wakes up for a bottle once)
-takes 2-3 naps a day
-pulls up to everything- especially the dishwasher
-she is completely stitch-free and doesn't have to wear bibs all day
-she may have some sort of oat-intolerance/allergy, we are hoping to get that checked out a bit this week
-she usually has pony tails in, but this one was after a bath
-she wears a variety of sizes, some 9 month, some 12 month, and some 18 month
-is in general, a very happy baby
I am excited to take her in for her 9 month appointment on Friday and see how big she is.  We went yesterday for a blood draw and she did awesome- she sat with me and didn't tense up or cry at all when they poked her- she is much braver than I. 
Happy 9 months baby girl!!  We love you so much (and Daddy didn't even mind sharing Father's day with you :) )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is adorable! I can't wait to see you all this week!!