Our boy turned four on Wednesday!! We extended the celebration and bit and had some friends over on Saturday before his birthday for pizza, cake, and playing. Oliver was pretty excited about his Superman cake :) The kids all had a lot of fun playing. Oliver enjoyed us singing Happy Birthday!
On his actual birthday, we went to a Moms and Tots group we go to and we brought "4" cookies. He enjoyed sharing those and having everyone sing Happy Birthday. We ate chicken nuggets, tater tots, and applesauce for lunch and supper at his request. He wanted an ice cream cake for his actual birthday so that is what he got. He opened up presents from us the night of his birthday. He was very excited for his super hero book and super hero legos, the clothes, well not so much. He seemed to have a very good day. He received some phone calls saying happy birthday and a few cards and packages in the mail that he was very excited about. Singing Happy Birthday was a big hit this year, I think he asked us to sing to him about 3 times that night.
A super boy with his super cake |
Friends ready to eat some cake |
A special cookie for dessert after lunch |
Birthday boy with his ice cream cake |
Blowing out the candles |
Opening presents |
Super hero legos |
Opening the box :) |
It is hard to believe he is four already. It seems like just yesterday, we were bringing him home from the hospital. He has grown into quite the boy. He loves superheros, building things, and electronics. He is a smart little boy and follows logic a little too well at times. He loves his little brother and sister and he still likes to snuggle with his mom and dad. His favorite color is blue. He likes to stay at home, but is always ready to go to Iowa, New York or Toys R Us. He is starting to sound out words and is trying to write some. He writes his name quite a bit. He likes to do work with his dad- both in the garage and in the office. He loves fluffy pajamas and blankets. When he grows up, he wants to be a daddy. :) He is a pretty amazing big boy now- we are pretty lucky to have him. We love you Oliver- Happy 4th Birthday!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Oliver! I have a present for you but haven't gotten it mailed yet. See you soon!
Love - Aunt Donna
Looks like he had a great day! Can't wait to see you all again soon! Love ya - Coco
I think that is the biggest smile I've ever seen on any face! Looks like a VERY happy boy!!
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