Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oliver's First Day of Preschool

 Oliver with his backpack in our living room

Oliver all ready for preschool

Oliver in front of the school

A close up of Oliver in front of the school

Oliver with his nametag waiting to go to his classroom

Oliver started preschool today.  It is at the Urbana High School and done through the child development class.  The program is 8 weeks long and he goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-10:30.  He did really well today.  He was a little nervous, but walked in with me and Eric.  He had his Thomas backpack packed with his snack for the day.  I was pretty impressed that when the teacher asked him his name, he actually answered her.  He has been going through a shy phase.  

Eric and I walked along with him to his classroom.  He definitely seemed anxious while waiting to go and walking down the hallway, but the second he saw the classroom, he was good to go.  He had to hang his backpack up in his cubby and then he was ready to play.  There were lots of fun things to do- he went straight to the water table where there was green and red water.  He told us good-bye without any problem and we headed out the door.  

I was back to pick him up and he was happy to see me, but definitely didn't seem like he had a hard time.  I asked him what he did and he told me lots of fun stuff.  He said he painted an apple, played a game where you had to find pretend apples, and read a story about apples.  He also told me he only ate the marshmallows from his snack.  :)  It sounded like he had a fun day and when I said he would go back on Thursday, he said "is that tomorrow?"  

1 comment:

Kara said...

Congrats on your big day Oliver!