3 months of no posting can only mean one thing in the Shook house- we're having another baby :) Morning sickness is subsiding and life is returning to normal. We've done a lot in the last few months- here is a brief recap with a few pictures. I'll post more of the pictures later, but figure I won't completely overload everyone.
February: We found out baby #3 is coming. September 22nd is the big day (or somewhere around there). We made a trip out to New York for a conference of Eric's. The boys and I were able to stay and visit with Kathy & Dale and Randy & Kara. Eric and I got away for a few days to NYC without the boys. That was a fun time, I didn't feel great, but it was wonderful to sleep all night through and as late as wanted in the mornings. We took in some of the sights of NYC and enjoyed some yummy food. My mom went to Syracuse with us, but didn't come home with us- she stayed and continued on her trip with Kathy to Mississippi.
March: March was filled with Eric working lots and me feeling pretty miserable. Luckily, by the end of the month, I was filling better. Kathy stopped on her way home from Iowa after dropping my mom off. We had a good visit while she was here- Parker enjoyed his first ice cream cone. We had some unseasonably warm weather (like 90s). I did a lot of subbing at Head Start through February and March.
April: We had visitors for Easter- Randy & Kara and there crew came out to visit. They brought their new van (a 12 passenger) and Oliver was super excited that we were all able to fit in the van. Eric's parents stopped through with his sister and nieces on their way to Tennessee for Easter. We had lunch with them, which was nice. Our house was full- I think we had 17 people at for lunch that day (10 of them being 11 and under). Eric has been doing more proposal work and is in the process of scheduling his defense for his proposal (the last big step prior to doing his dissertation). We have been getting out of the house a little more although the weather has been quite a bit cooler (or normal for this time of year, just cooler compared to the 80s and 90s we were having). Parker got a much needed haircut. Eric gets a quiet weekend at home this weekend- the boys and I are riding with Coco, Kelli, and my mom out to New York for Max's first communion. It will be a quick weekend, but it is sure to be a fun one.
And now the picture overload:
Oliver didn't want any ice cream in his ice cream cone... |
Trying out his bike outside for the first time |
New baby! |
Pictures are a little out of order- this is the post hair cut picture. He says cheese whenever he sees the camera and he definitely has my Steffen cheesy smile. |
The hair cut was long overdue as you can see from this pre-haircut picture. |
Oliver spends lots of time in their room working on puzzles |
Parker and Timmy taking a bath |
Parker got a Thomas tray for Easter. He was very excited about it. He is seriously into Thomas right now - we probably read our 4 Thomas books about 10 times each every day. He will actually look through books on the bookshelf until he finds a Thoams book. |
This picture and the next should be reversed- this is after he got the peep-the next is while we were opening the peeps so he could have one. |
Dressed up little boys! |
Our family on Easter |
Parker and his godmother- he is such a cooperative baby :) |
Parker and Timmy during the egg hunt outside. |
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