Friday, September 30, 2011

Parker is 9 months old!

Parker is 9 months old (on Monday)!  (excuse the non-matching sign, our printer is not hooked up and it was not worth it to pull it up and mess with it so I just made one)
He had his 9 month appointment on Tuesday and he was 18 pounds, 2 ounces and 27 3/8 inches long.  He was healthy as can be and only had to get 1 shot.  He did pretty well with his shot and just fussed briefly right after he got the shot. 

Here is what Parker is up to:
-he crawls very proficiently
-he pulls himself up all the time
-he is starting to let go when he pulls himself up and is getting a little better at balancing
-he likes pretty much all foods and prefer to have pieces to feed himself
-he is figuring out sippy cups and especially likes it when he finds Oliver's water cup lying around
-he takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap and is ready for bed about 7:30
-he is still waking up to eat a few times a night- I'm hoping we can get this stopped fairly soon
-he is a very happy little boy
-he loves to play with Oliver even though Oliver regularly knocks him down
-he is always putting things in his mouth so we try to keep our floors pretty clean
-he is still a bit of a mama's boy and sometimes fusses when people take him if I'm around
-he loves to play with toys and has been having fun lately with stacking cups and blocks

In general, Parker is just a happy little boy.  He seems to have fun in all that he does, he loves to cuddle and loves to laugh. 

Happy 9 month birthday Parker!
We love you!!


ashlang51 said...

Aww - Parker is getting so BIG! Love all the hair. Tell Oliver hi & we miss you all!

Kara said...

I could not excuse the handwritten, non-matching sign. I'm done looking at your blog! :) Parker looks cute as ever! I can't wait till Christmas and we can see all of you again.