Here are Parker's 7 month old pictures. He was a little difficult to capture. He loves to eat paper (and anything else he can get his hands on) and so having the paper next to him was not an option.
Parker had a lot of fun at our county fair Wednesday night! It was a warm night, but he hung out in the stroller and went along with the flow. He even took a little nap at one point.
Eric & I have talked about doing cloth diapers for quite sometime (some before Oliver and again before Parker). We had finally decided on the kind we wanted to try out and were preparing ourselves to go get them. I looked on craigslist and found someone selling some of the kind we wanted so we picked them up Friday afternoon, got them all washed and ready to go Friday night, and tried them out on Saturday. They worked really well and were pretty easy to use. I have them in the washer right now so assuming they come out clean, I think I'll call it a success. We still need to pick up a few more liners for the diapers, but we have a good start. And Parker seems to like them :)
Peas and rice cereal were so exciting at supper tonight that Parker fell asleep. Eric was feeding him and said that he took a bite, swallowed, and then shut his eyes and went to sleep.
Parker's 7 month update:
-Parker still enjoys eating every 3-4 hours around the clock (hopefully this will change soon)
-He moves all around, but isn't quite crawling yet - he can get into pretty much whatever he wants to though
-Just today, I saw him up on his hands and knees so I'm guessing crawling will be pretty soon.
-He is getting to be on a more consistent nap schedule- on a good day it is a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Usually he throws in a 15-30 minute nap around supper time.
-We have been feeding him baby food- he has had green beans, avocados, peas, applesauce, and rice cereal. I think sweet potatoes and bananas are next on the list.
-Parker likes to swim- we have gone a few times and he seems to just love hanging out in the water.
-He is getting closer to sitting alone- he can briefly, but I don't move away from him when he is in a sitting position.
-He is still a cuddly baby :)
-Parker is infatuated with his big brother-he just smiles when Oliver is around him.
-He still likes toys and is starting to play with more of them- we got stacking rings out the other day and he has been having fun with those.
-He growls a lot- when he's happy, when he's bored, but mostly when he is falling asleep.
In a nutshell, that is what our little Park-growler is up to. He is more and more fun everyday and we love having him around :)