Parker's 7 month update:
-Parker still enjoys eating every 3-4 hours around the clock (hopefully this will change soon)
-He moves all around, but isn't quite crawling yet - he can get into pretty much whatever he wants to though
-Just today, I saw him up on his hands and knees so I'm guessing crawling will be pretty soon.
-He is getting to be on a more consistent nap schedule- on a good day it is a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Usually he throws in a 15-30 minute nap around supper time.
-We have been feeding him baby food- he has had green beans, avocados, peas, applesauce, and rice cereal. I think sweet potatoes and bananas are next on the list.
-Parker likes to swim- we have gone a few times and he seems to just love hanging out in the water.
-He is getting closer to sitting alone- he can briefly, but I don't move away from him when he is in a sitting position.
-He is still a cuddly baby :)
-Parker is infatuated with his big brother-he just smiles when Oliver is around him.
-He still likes toys and is starting to play with more of them- we got stacking rings out the other day and he has been having fun with those.
-He growls a lot- when he's happy, when he's bored, but mostly when he is falling asleep.
In a nutshell, that is what our little Park-growler is up to. He is more and more fun everyday and we love having him around :)