I put Parker's feet in the pool and he immediately bent himself over and stuck his fingers in the water. I think he'll have lots of fun in the big pool on vacation next week.
Parker is really liking toys lately.
Since we haven't gone camping in quite some time, we found a good use for our water container. We fill it up and give Oliver a few cups and he stays entertained (and cool) for quite awhile.
We (and by we I mean mostly Eric) have been working on some landscaping around our house. I didn't get an official before picture, but this shows part of our yard before any weed-whacking or mulching.
This is after weed-whacking and mulching. I think it looks so much better and will be wonderful when the whole perimeter of our yard it done.
We used our surbanite-pickup to go get the mulch-- fold the seats down, add a tarp and fill 'er up! It worked surprisingly well, but after the first load, we realized how many more we were going to need so we put in an order to have the rest delivered.
Here is our pile of mulch- it is much smaller now as Eric has spread quite a bit of it out already. Oliver has so much fun playing on it and digging.
This is what Parker does a lot of while we are outside working.
Here is one of Eric getting rid of some yard waste.
Eric and I are excited to see our yard starting to look a little nicer. We have sprinkled grass seed in a few places and are starting to see it shooting up.
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