-hold his head up while on his tummy
-reach for and grab toys
-plays with lots of toys
-sits in his exersaucer and really likes his spinning chickens
-likes to watch his big brother play
-reaches for everything (this was one of the only pictures where he wasn't grabbing the lamb's ear)
-will push against your hand if you put it on his feet
-does a lot of cooing
-is very ticklish
-can still roll both ways, but rarely goes from his stomach to his back
-sleeps anywhere from 2-6 hour stretches at night, but either way still just gets up to eat and then goes right back down
-sleeps on his tummy
-he discovered his hands and thinks they are pretty amazing
-enjoys walks in the stroller
-likes to swing outside
All in all, he continues to be our happy little boy. It is hard to believe that we'll be starting baby food with him before much longer. Parker and Oliver are starting to do a lot more interacting- they still like each other for the most part :)
Happy 5 months Parker!! We love you!
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