We have been having lots of fall fun the past week. The weather has been gorgeous and we have all be enjoying it. We have lots of leaves in our yard and driveway. I raked a few up the other day for Oliver to play in. He thought it was pretty exciting. Eventually we'll probably rake leaves and bag them up, but too many of the trees still have green leaves on them for me to think it is a good idea quite this early.

Oliver sitting in a pile of leaves.
On Sunday after church, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard. The weather was perfect and we got there shortly after they opened so they weren't super busy. By the time we were heading out, it was definitely getting a lot more crowded.

Oliver with the apple when we first got there. I need to pull out last year's picture and compare the two.

Oliver and Eric in the school bus

On a pony ride

The three of us on the wagon ride. Oliver loved this. He was a little confused because a tractor pulled it and he definitely would have preferred a tractor ride.

Eric and Oliver went on the big, inflatable slide a few times. This was a big hit with Oliver and I think he would have done it as many times as we would have let him.

On the search for the perfect pumpkin

I found it!

Riding in the wagon with the pumpkin to go wash them.

Washing our pumpkins

Yesterday, Oliver painted with Halloween colors. He loves painting and painted three pictures.

At Blain's awhile ago, they had some drawings and I put my name in hoping to win tickets to Sesame Street Live, instead I won a big pumpkin with treats. So we are the proud owners of a giant stuffed pumpkin with arms and legs. Oliver has been enjoying the little toys that came in it.
Hopefully everyone else has been having nice weather and been able to enjoy it. We've had windows open the past few days. Tomorrow is supposed to cool down, but the weekend is supposed to be 70 so it looks like we'll have a few more warm days.
Your blog should have a "Like" button. Cool comparison shots between last year and now!
Fun! Love the giant pumpkin! JEALOUS! So wished we lived closer to each other!
What a fun time! Sara, I love your hair cut. (And just think if you guys ever do move to Syracuse you can say your pumpkin man is the Syracuse Orange man and leave it out all year. Doesn't that sound wonderful? )
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