Oliver checking out his Easter basket. The bunny was pretty good to him- a bucket and shovel, watering can, pinwheel, a book, a cup, a chick, and candy. The Easter Frog left him a can of evaporated milk. He was pretty excited about it and wanted us to open it for him, I think that was because of the picture of cake on the front of the can.

Oliver enjoyed his first peep on Easter morning (and his second...)

Oliver got a little chick that cheeps when you hold it in your hand. Even though he looks horrified in this picture, he really does like it.

My pictures got a little out of order- the two were from today. Eric had to go to work, but Oliver and I were able to hang out at home. We had a pajama day. Oliver liked relaxing on the couch with a pillow and blanket.

The next three pictures are from Easter Sunday at Eric's parents' house. The kids had an Easter egg hunt outside. Oliver played with his cousins. He wasn't very interested in hunting eggs, but was way more interested in the toys in the backyard. He loved playing in the sand and dumping sand on himself.

Tomorrow will be a normal day for us and help us get back into our routine. Oliver slept until 9:00 this morning which was awesome. We had a nice day here with a mid-day shower- luckily for Eric he came home from work about 20 minutes before that shower (he rides his bike). I'm going to relax for the rest of the night and watch the NCAA championship game. Have a good night!
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