Possibly the tallest dandelion ever, it was taller than Oliver. He was pretty intrigued by it and a little disgusted when he actually squeezed it.
Not so sure what I think of this stuff
We started him with rice cereal Monday night too. He did okay with it for a little while, but isn't a huge fan of it yet. I'm guessing once we start adding a bit more flavor in, he'll like it more. We also tried out a sippy cup with water and he likes that, although I'm not sure how much he actually gets out of it.
Since my last post, we've been back to Iowa for an extended weekend, had a garage sale, and been enjoying some summer weather. Oliver is rolling around like crazy and is beginning to do a bit of scooting. We are still working on sitting, he can't get into a sitting position on his own, but if we put him in one, he is able to sit for quite awhile (unless he gets distracted by a toy and does a face-plant or gets too excited and flips backwards). He has also mastered the screech and practices it quite often.
We are looking forward to 2 weekends in Iowa coming up followed by a few visitors to our house and then our big family vacation to New York.
Enjoy the pictures!
He looks like he's a thinker! He really seems to be studying things. See you soon!
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