Oliver's first Easter morning and he slept in until around 9:00. I don't think we will have that happen for Easter again :) He was pretty interested in his Easter basket, but had to check out what Grandpa was doing first.

Here he his, holding onto his basket and sitting in his bumbo chair. The Easter Bunny was very good to Oliver, he got a new book, 2 new rattle-type toys, an outfit, a duck, and a new hat. What a lucky boy!

Looking at his blue Easter egg with his name on hit, we dyed eggs around 11:30 the night before.

Checking out all of he loot and he even seems to be looking in the basket for more.

The basket it officially empty, except for grass, but he keeps reaching in looking for more.
Wow! He really wants his basket! I can't blame him for being distracted by Grandpa in the first picture. I was distracted too :p
These were great Easter pics of your little guys! We can't wait to see the live version. :)
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