It was impossible to keeps the boys clean this week. They would be filthy within a few minutes after their baths and always found new places to play.
Parker and Timmy stayed cool with the cooler ice. |
Both Henry & Oliver got haircuts from Aunt Donna while on vacation. They were rewarded with ice cream bars and Dora on the Kindle Fire. |
Parker's turn for a haircut- he actually loves getting them and was asking for one when he say the others getting them. |
Beach time! The boys loved playing at the beach- it was a wonderful beach, calm water, shallow and lots of sand to play in. |
Out in the water. Oliver loved the water on this trip. He kept asking Eric to take him out further and further. He swam out to the swimming dock with Eric. |
Late nights and some skipped naps made it so Parker feel asleep while Aunt Kathy was holding him in the lake. He actually napped for quite awhile in the water. |
Uncle Chris, Henry & Oliver building sand castles. |
Superman boys! |
One of the really hot days, a big crew went rafting. Parker and myself, Kara, Henry & Timmy, Renee & George and my mom all went to a local children's museum instead. It had air conditioning :) Here are the three older boys in the truck. |
Parker on the pretend ship. |
George & Parker had lots of fun opening up cages and getting stuffed animals out. They spent lots of time playing there. |
Parker picking vegetables at the garden. |
Coco & Chris' cabin had air conditioning so we spent some time over there. Oliver, Parker, and Timmy spent some time in Bella's kennel. They went in there on their own and had lots of fun. |
A view from our first lighthouse visit. |
Sophia, Henry, & Oliver climbing the lighthouse |
Parker wanted to join in on the fun and Aunt Donna helped him. |
Oliver with a life saver outside of the lighthouse. |
Celebrating George's first birthday- he had a Curious George cake and his smash cake was the yellow hat. |
George got a few new books for his birthday and Oliver, Henry, and Timmy loved having Uncle Joe read them- George was crawling in and checking out his loot. |
Oliver went fishing with Eric and caught a blue gill. He was pretty exciting about it. |
Eric and Parker kayaking and Alex canoeing in the background. I was hoping to go out to, but the rain came shortly after so I didn't make it out. |
Kara, Randy, Parker, Oliver and Sophia out in the canoe. |
Eric and Henry kayaking. |
We left on Friday morning to head out and made a few stops. We went to the sand dunes and did a dune ride and then we went to another lighthouse and Oliver and Eric climbed up.
Parker was a little unsure of the dune ride once we got going. He loved it on the road, but through the sand, he was pretty nervous. |
Oliver was very similar to Parker and was pretty nervous and holding on very tight while on the ride. Since getting home though, he has been talking about it every day so I am pretty sure he has had a good time. |
We stopped while on the ride and were able to get out and snap a few pictures. The boys had lots of fun playing in the endless amounts of sand. |
Eric and the boys in front of our dune scooter. |
Our last lighthouse visit. Oliver was very excited to climb up. |
A dark picture of Oliver in the lighthouse. |
Parker was too short to climb the lighthouse so we played in the sand while Eric and Oliver climbed. Eric took this picture from the top of the lighthouse. |
We had a great time on vacation with lots of family. We spent some of our time talking about where we might go next year. I definitely didn't get pictures of everything we did, but we stayed busy and had lots of fun!