This morning we were driving to a park and I said that Parker is 10 months old today. Oliver said "we need to take his picture with the number 10 and his lamb." Later in the day, he told me that he was going to draw the number 2 on his magnadoodle and I should take his picture with the orange side of my blanket and with his duck. So we did :) Plus I figure I haven't done much for updates on Oliver in quite a while.
Oliver is 1 month and 2 days away from turning 3. He is full of energy and spunk. Here is a little update on him:
-He talks pretty much all the time and loves the question why?
-He is completely potty trained while awake and is getting pretty close to switching to underwear at naptime.
-He loves to play games and do puzzles- and typically wants to "do teamwork" (which means we play the game with him or do the puzzle with him.)
-He likes to play outside.
-He likes to play with Parker most of the time.
-He has been on a big play-doh kick recently.
-He is still pretty picky on food- chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, and grilled cheese are what the kid survives on.
-He loves to go on campus and go to Dad's office.
-He is getting excited for his birthday- we are going to Chuck E. Cheese this year!
-He is very imaginative and likes to play with toys.
-He loves to sing songs. He knows quite a few songs, but he often times puts in made-up words and sounds into the songs.
-He is getting to be such a big boy. He is working on dressing and undressing himself. He has been a big helper with setting the table lately. He also helps to feed the fish. It is hard to believe he is so close to 3.
Parker turned 10 months old today!
-He has 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on bottom). His top 2 both came in on Tuesday.
-He pulls up to everything. He likes to let go and stand on his own too.
-He loves everything Oliver is doing.
-We have yet to find a food that he doesn't like and he typically just keeps eating until we stop feeding him.
-Sleep is improving quite a bit, we are working on sleeping through the night, but most nights are down to 1 wake up now.
-He smiles almost all the time.
-He moves ALL the time.
-He likes to play outside too- he loves the swings.
-He started saying da-da last Monday. I don't know that he quite uses it for Eric yet, but he says it a lot. He does a lot of gibberish too and growling (we call him Growler)
Parker is getting big fast. He is a boy that can always make you smile. We are looking forward to keeping him out of trouble :)