Oliver is on the left and Parker is on the right.
So I have been asked multiple times if Parker looks like Oliver and I never had really compared the two very much. So I found a picture of Oliver where he was between 2 and 3 months and I dressed Parker in the same clothes and put him in the same chair and took his picture. So here it is... I don't think the two look very much alike at all when the pictures are side by side. Oliver's eyes were blue for quite awhile and Parker's are darker already. Oliver had a lot lighter skin apparently too- plus he smiled for the camera more than Parker does. Everyone will have to let me know if they think they look alike or not.
Parker's two month appointment went well on Monday. The doctor said he is healthy and doing great. He weighed 11 lbs, 14 oz and was 22 1/4 inches long. He got a bunch of shots which he was not a fan of. It definitely took some time to get Parker calmed down.
Oliver is staying busy. We had a playdate at our house this morning- he must have used a lot of energy because he went right down for nap and slept for over 3 hours.
Eric is staying busy with school stuff, he is working on his proposal for his dissertation. He is also working on some things for an upcoming conference in April.
I started subbing at my old job, Head Start. I worked one morning and one afternoon this week. It is nice because if I am busy, I can just say no. Eric is able to stay home with the boys when I am working so it has been nice for all of them too. It was nice to get out of the house this past week.
We all went for a walk one afternoon this week also. The warmer weather has us all anxious for spring to get here quick. Oliver has been able to play at the park 3 times already and is always ready for more. We were in the backyard a few days ago and I said it was getting to cold for Parker and that we needed to go in and Oliver told me "Oliver-backyard, Mommy go inside." He didn't win that battle though. :)
Eric's parents are coming for a visit tomorrow so as usual, we are excited to have visitors. We had a 60 degree day today, although there wasn't any sun, we had a brief thunderstorm tonight and it is supposed to be back in the 30s tomorrow. Hopefully the warm weather will come and stay soon- Have a great weekend everyone!