At two months, here are some things he does:
-smiles when we talk to him
-watches Oliver a lot
-holds onto our fingers
-likes to use his legs to "stand"
-rolled over one time from tummy to back (I'm sure this was just a fluke)
-has started taking naps in his crib
-sleeps at night in his cradle
-sleeps from about 9 pm to 7 am, waking up to eat between 2 and 3 times
-likes to watch his fish toys
-likes to look at himself in the mirror
-loves baths
-loves to chew on his fingers
He is still a great eater and is getting bigger every day. He has his two-month appointment on Monday so we'll get to see how big he is then.
One big step in the Shook household today was that Oliver and Parker both napped at the same time in the same room today. Parker was sleeping when it was time for Oliver's nap so we decided to try it. Parker stayed sleeping for quite awhile and Oliver slept shorter than his normal nap time, but we are calling it a win because they both slept some at the same time :)