This post is going to be a little all over the place because my pictures are out of order. The following pictures are from Saturday when Randy, Kara, Alex, Max, Sophie, Henry, and Timmy stopped to visit on their way home to New York. The kids had lots of fun playing together and we had a great time visiting with Randy & Kara.
Oliver and Henry in matching pajamas. They were being goofy on the couch and not sitting very still.
Above and below- all 7 kids lined up in age order. Shockingly, no one was injured in the making of this picture.
Timothy & Parker- they are just over 14 weeks apart, but there is quite a size difference right now.
Oliver & Henry in their matching pajamas (above) and in their matching clothes from Grandma (below)- they are 16 weeks apart, but the size difference isn't nearly as noticeable.
Here are a few pictures from the day we came home from the hospital.
Parker in his car seat waiting to leave the hospital.
The next few pictures are from bath night tonight.
Oliver got a new robe for Christmas and was modeling it for us after his bath tonight. He watched us give Parker a bath and was mostly just interested in dipping his hand in the water.
Parker's first bath at home pictures
Parker wasn't very pleased to be taken out of his warm jammies and only wrapped up in a towel.
He calmed down when I washed his hair. He seemed to like the warm water.
Relaxed and calm after his bath. He sat this way for a few minutes, just hanging out.
Parker in his pajamas all done with bath. His hair seemed so soft after his bath.
Parker is one week old today- it has been a wonderful and crazy week. We were happy to have so many visitors- Grandma Steffen, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Donna, Aunt Coco, Amy, Grandma & Grandpa Shook, Uncle Randy, Aunt Kara, Alex, Max, Sophie, Henry, & Timothy. We are looking forward to Grandma Steffen coming back tomorrow.
Oliver is doing really well with the whole big brother thing. We had a few meltdowns today, but nothing too out of the ordinary. He is very good with Parker and when he touches him, he says "nice and gentle." He gives him kisses good night too- it is pretty cute.
We have a pretty relaxed week ahead of us- I'm hoping to get some newborn pictures taken and get our Christmas decorations down, but other than that, just enjoy our two little boys. :)