Saturday, October 24, 2009
Fall Days
Thursday, October 22, 2009
October Updates: Week 3 (3 of 3)
October Updates: Week 3 (2.5 of 3)
October 18: A video of Oliver's first pony ride while we were at the pumpkin patch. Eric said he just grabbed right on and held on the whole ride. :) Our little cowboy! :)
October Updates: Week 3 (2 of 3)
October 18: We went the Curtis Orchard today. It is a local place that has apple trees and a pumpkin patch. We did lots of fun things there including: swinging, riding on a wagon, riding on a pony, looking at goats and ducks, picking a pumpkin, and sampling (and then buying) some delicious apple donuts. It was a fun time, but the place was a little crazy. It was the first day it wasn't cold and raining in a week and so it was packed. We had intended on eating lunch there, but after checking out the line, decided to wait until we got home.
October Updates: Week 3 (1 of 3)
We were stuck inside and had a long run of cold rainy days. We read books and played with toys. Eric and I worked on Oliver's birthday invitations and Oliver wore part of the scraps to make a superhero mask :) He thought it was pretty funny. He has developed a serious cheesy smile and it comes out pretty much whenever the camera does.
October Updates: Week 2
October 8-14:
Randy & Kara got into Dunkerton early Thursday (the 8th) morning. Eric left from Illinois to come to Iowa and got to Dunkerton and then headed to the OP for a local bachelor party for Joe. Oliver and I hung out at my parents house with a few extras and played cards and hung out. Friday, we decorated at the Electric Park for the reception and then I went and got a manicure and a pedicure with the bridal party. That evening was the rehearsal followed by dinner.
Saturday was the wedding. It was a chilly day (okay, let's face it- cold day), but there was no rain or snow. It was a beautiful wedding, reception, and dance and everyone had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures from this day, but plan to lean on some family members to get a few more.
Sunday Joe and Renee opened gifts before getting ready to head out on their honeymoon. Eric, myself, and Oliver headed back home. We hit a bit of a snag when it became dark and we learned our headlights, brake lights, and dash lights went off every time we hit the brakes. The matter took a turn for the worse when we stopped at a gas station to check and make sure and we learned if the brake was held too long, the whole car would shut down. So... our weekend was extended and we spent the night in a hotel 1.5 hours from our house and ordered pizza. Luckily the gas station we stopped at was right next to a hotel. We had the car towed to a local pontiac dealership and in the morning they said the battery had a weak charge. After a new battery, we were on our way home and to our house by about 1:00. We were happy to be home and get unpacked and ready to start the rest of the week.
Oliver did some painting for Halloween. He also made handprint spiders :)
October Updates: Week 1
October 1-7:
Oliver played with his cabbage patch doll named Oliver this week. Aunt Kathy came to our house on October 3rd to visit for a bit before Joe & Renee's wedding. We had lots of fun while she was here. Oliver helped the two of us do some shopping and we enjoyed playing cards a doing a bit of snacking. Oliver also got his first birthday present- Aunt Kathy (and Uncle Dale) gave him the above pictured Mickey Mouse ride-on airplane. He was pretty thrilled with it. He can sit and ride on it or he can walk behind it. It has buttons he can push that make noise and lights. It also has a shape sorter and a seat that lifts and has room to store stuff under it. All in all, it is a pretty amazing toy.
Kathy, myself, and Oliver headed to Iowa for the wedding on the 7th- we met Coco, Donna, Kelsey, and my mom at Coralville for lunch and a little shopping. Then we headed back to Dunkerton to spend some time hanging out there.
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