We have enjoyed some beautiful weather and many nice walks. We ventured out a different way on Saturday night and realized we can easily walk to downtown Urbana- which includes the library, some restaurants, and the farmer's market. Oliver is perfecting the roll- a few times he's even managed to roll in the same direction and move around a bit. He is working on sitting up too- he does pretty well as long as he doesn't get too excited- then he flips backward. We had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. We got his 6-month pictures taken and grilled out 2 times. Our plan is to head to Iowa this afternoon. Here a few updated pictures of the little man.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's been awhile...
We have enjoyed some beautiful weather and many nice walks. We ventured out a different way on Saturday night and realized we can easily walk to downtown Urbana- which includes the library, some restaurants, and the farmer's market. Oliver is perfecting the roll- a few times he's even managed to roll in the same direction and move around a bit. He is working on sitting up too- he does pretty well as long as he doesn't get too excited- then he flips backward. We had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. We got his 6-month pictures taken and grilled out 2 times. Our plan is to head to Iowa this afternoon. Here a few updated pictures of the little man.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Our Little Hawkeye in an Illini State
Our Weekend
I didn't take many pictures over the weekend, but we had a fun one. On Saturday, Eric got up with Oliver and they made me breakfast for my birthday. Then we went to the farmer's market and walked around for a bit. That afternoon we dropped Oliver off at a friend's house and Eric and I went to a movie and dinner to celebrate. We picked Oliver up later that evening and went to run a few errands.
On Sunday, we went to church and then we relaxed at home for a bit. It seemed to be a good day for a drive so we drove to Tuscola to the outlet mall and walked around/shopped for awhile. We ended our trip with an early supper at Pizza Hut. Once we got home, we spent the rest of our evening hanging out and getting a few things done around the house.
I had a good birthday and Mother's Day- Oliver gave me a wonderful gift Sunday night-he slept from 8pm to 7am. It was actually nice to wake up to my alarm Monday morning.
Hopefully everyone else's weekend was good too!
My only picture is Eric with my birthday cake (we didn't have enough candles so Eric did 2 single candles and the number 6 to make 26)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Oliver's First Baseball Game
Rolling Over
Eric and I both got to see Oliver roll over Friday night. Once he did it, he has been doing it over and over. Hopefully pretty soon he'll figure out how to roll from his tummy to his back, he seems to get a little frustrated after being on his stomach for a little bit. Anyway, here is a video of him rolling. Enjoy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A big boy
We took Oliver in to get weighed yesterday and he is 16 lbs 6 oz. We measured him at home and he is 26 inches long. No wonder he is so heavy to carry around! Have a great weekend everyone! And Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The weather has been wonderful so we have been spending lots of time outside. Oliver seems to like it outside.
The last two are a few pictures I took of him for his (eventual) baby book/scrapbook. We finally did his footprints and handprints yesterday so I figured I should have a picture of how big he was for the page so that I don't look back and think that my baby had enormous feet and hands when he was born :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
We have a roller!
Oliver rolled from his back to his stomach this afternoon. He was on the floor after his afternoon nap on his back. I went over to read a book to one of the daycare kids and when I turned to look and check on Oliver, he was on his stomach, holding his head up, just looking at me. So, unfortunately, I didn't get to see it, but he definitely rolled. I'm guessing we'll both be able to see him roll more pretty soon!
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